Tuesday 6 September 2011

A little about me - Part 5 - Life isn't always fair

It was 1 week until our wedding day and also Easter Saturday 2010. We had been planning decorations, i had been baking my wedding cake and making the table gifts. Daisy had been cranky all morning so we spent the day at mums house so i could have some help while hubby was at work. Thats afternoon I thought i would give her a bath to try and calm her down and while taking off her clothes she screamed and screamed. It wasn't the same whingy scream. It was pain then i noticed she wasn't moving her leg and everytime i touched it she screamed again. I decided it was time for a trip to emergancy. I know it is just their job to ask questions but i was made to feel so guilty there like i had done something wrong. questions after questions like i had done something to my 3 week old baby.
After hours and hours of test we were sent home on Sunday morning....easter Sunday. Daisy was still in pain everytime i touched her...surely that is enough to see something is wrong?
On Easter monday i got a phone call to bring her back to hospital straight away because one of her blood test showed something and they needed to re-do it.
That was the last time Daisy would be home for 6 weeks. On the Wednesday, 3 days before our wedding day, Daisy was diagnosed with Osteomylitis (a bone infection) in her femur. It meant 5 weeks of IV antibiotics in hospital.
I will post about the wedding seperately, YES it did go ahead without my beautiful little girl there. The doctor said they could have organised for her to be there but i just didn't think i could handle the stress of seeing her there. The nurses were amazing and looked after her for the whole weekend for me and hung her dress up and wrote me a beautiful note.
Over the next 5 weeks i watched Daisy grow from her hospital cot. She learnt to smile and chatter and was a hit with all the nurses. By about the second week she was able to move her leg without pain and i could finally hold her again without being worried about where to hold.
While in hospital we battled reflux, lactose intolorence which then turned into milk protien intolerance.
Over the next year Daisy would refuse milk of any kind and i was lucky to get 1 bottle down her a day.....now at 18months she demands milk every second of the day!

                                                   Daisy's first day on her IV at hospital

The nurses left this for me when i arrived back from the wedding

Jack alway loved his sister even though she wasn't home

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